Romeo Sozzi

Romeo Sozzi was born in Valmadrera in 1948 and studied at the Brera Academy in Milan. A deep lover of his land, he has always lived in Lecco, surrounded by nature but a stone’s throw from the big city. In the seventies he made his debut in interior decoration and in 1988 he founded his company Promemoria, which over time became a creative and productive reality with an international appeal, but also an inexhaustible test bench for innovative projects. Rigor and discipline are his main characteristics, yes, but always with a lively look and a good dose of enthusiasm. Because Romeo Sozzi’s activity does not end in the professional sphere, it is a constant flow, a wave of thought that permeates every corner of his being, even the most intimate parts. Romeo Sozzi remains a designer but above all an artist: a fan of the sensuality of life, always observing, taking notes, listening to harmonies, breathing in scents, tasting new flavors, caressing materials and traveling the world.

Romeo Sozzi
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